Hi, I’m Tanner—a graphic designer. 

I love any well-made design, but I’m especially interested in branding, print, and animation. When I’m not working, you can find me reading a book, printmaking, or learning how to play tennis. Thanks for checking out my work below. 


︎Great Untranslated
︎Gamut Art

︎ Print

︎Stories from Letters
︎The Planets


︎The Crying of Lot 49




︎Info & contact

︎Email me

The Crying of Lot 49

Title sequence for a proposed TV adaptation of Pynchon’s paranoid, postmodern novel.

A frantic combination of typography, 3D scenes, and stock footage communicate the paranoia and fear the main character feels as she stumbles onto a federal conspiracy while the men in her life betray her trust.

All 3D scenes animated and lit by me. Some modeled by me.

(Stock footage from the Prelinger Archives.)
